Best Sandra Bullock Movies

Whether you're into romantic comedies or action flicks, Sandra Bullock has a movie for you. In fact, she's appeared in so many great movies that it's hard to pick just one as her best. So instead of choosing just one film, let's take a look at five of the best Sandra Bullock movies;

The Blind Side (2009)

The Blind Side Poster

In this true story, Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Tuohy, a wealthy white Southern woman who takes in a homeless black teenager named Michael Oher. This movie is about his journey to the NFL and his relationship with the family who took him in, and one you should add to your watchlist if you feel like experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions.

The Blind Side on QEWD

Miss Congeniality (2000)

Miss Congeniality Poster

Miss Congeniality is a comedy about a beauty pageant and Sandra Bullock, who plays a woman named Gracie Hart. As you might have guessed from the title, Gracie isn’t actually participating in the Miss United States pageant. She's there undercover as an FBI agent investigating a crime ring that uses it as cover for their activities.

The film was originally made in the 80s with Julia Roberts in her prime, but Bullock takes over and gives us something different: more fun! Check out these behind the scenes secrets of the movie for the insides scoop!

Miss Congeniality on QEWD

Gravity (2013)

Gravity Poster

Sandra Bullock's performance as medical engineer Ryan Stone in "Gravity" is one of the all-time greats, and her work was nominated for an Oscar. Her character is stuck on a space station that's falling apart due to the damage caused by a meteor shower. She does not have superpowers; she's just trying to survive like anyone else who might be unlucky enough to find themselves in such a situation.

Gravity on QEWD

Crash (2004)

Crash Poster

"Crash" is a 2004 film about racism and prejudice. It was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress. Sandra Bullock won Best Actress for her performance as an emotionally damaged woman who befriends a man (played by Don Cheadle) who lost his legs in a car accident. The film also won an award at the Golden Globes, British Academy Film Awards and British Independent Film Awards, and it just as easily could win a spot as your next favourite Sandra Bullock movie!

Crash on QEWD

The Heat (2013)

The Heat Poster

The Heat is a buddy cop comedy about two female cops who have to work together in order to solve a case. It stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy as partners, and the plot revolves around their relationship and the case they're working on. Bullock's performance was praised as one of her best ever! 

The Heat on QEWD

While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Sandra Bullock stars as Lucy, a lonely Chicago Transit Authority token collector who falls in love with a man she's never met, Peter Callaghan (Peter Gallagher), who is in a coma after being hit by a car.

Lucy sneaks into the hospital and places her name on his chart. She begins to visit him frequently and develops an emotional attachment to him despite lacking any common interests or personal knowledge of each other. When Peter wakes up from his coma, he has no memory of ever meeting Lucy, but she still believes they are destined to be together. Peter assumes that they must have dated previously because of her familiarity with him and invites her along on vacation with his family so that he can get to know her better and determine if there is indeed some kind of romantic connection between them or if this was just one big misunderstanding.

While You Were Sleeping on QEWD


Sandra Bullock has made lots of great movies, some of which we hope you will dive into. In fact, she has made so many good movies that it can be difficult to choose which ones are her best.

Sandra Bullock has had an incredible career, and we’re sure she will continue to make great movies. We love her work and are looking forward to seeing more from her in the future. Why not check out the best summer movies too? QEWD has everything you love and more - from tv shows and movies to music videos, we have got video content covered. Download QEWD now!


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